Letzistrasse 23

8006 Zürich

079 688 05 31 -


Zugang Atelier barrierefrei: keine Angaben



Samstag, 22.9.18: 11 - 21 Uhr

Sonntag, 23.9.18: 11 - 21 Uhr


Years ago I settled into a comfort with uncertainties, the undone, open I have an attitude towards material, all types of materials, methods, techniques. My thoughts are rooted in inspiration. Sharing some insight, finding ways that allow accessibility to others that they too may discover something for themselves.
Many of my works over the last few years have centered around the use of waist plastics in their construction and esthetic considerations.
This is not cut and dried academic conceptual art tralala.. There are many things running through my mind with these pieces. To say nothing of the fact that they sort of created themselves as they went along.
All the "stuff" is materials we all use, throw out every day. Yes, I'm selective in the trash I choose. One has to be. There is just too much crap out there.
The story of esthetic shaping will have to wait for another day.
Though what I try to do is show how material of zero consideration can be transformed into a thing of wonder, pleasure and value.
Trash into Treasures so to speak.